Cryptocurrency Exchanger

Quite an interesting project I’ve been working on. Using React.js, I created a website that allows users to exchange cryptocurrency. The interface was created using Tailwind CSS, and communication with the backend is mostly done using messaging. Also, the project has a pretty simple internationalization. In this project I only worked on Frontend and a little bit on DevOps.


  • Git repository: not available due to NDA
  • Website link:

Choosing a React.js

The site is quite simple, globally it consists of a cryptocurrency exchange component and minimalistic content pages, so I chose React.js. I also decided to use TypeScript in this project to simplify the work of future developers and protect the client from unexpected errors.

Work Progress

The project was finished quite quickly, during the work I mastered working with, strengthened my knowledge about dockerization of projects and about routing in React.js. Most importantly, I got to know Vite.

Interesting realization details

I decided to fully type inbound and outbound, but as it turns out, there isn’t much information about this in the official documentation.

Incoming messages:

  • ticker - contains either exchange rate data or current order data
  • order - contains data about created, requested order.

And here are the outgoing messages. They are more complicated, because from the backend side all these messages were received with a single identifier “order”.

  • currencies - request currency data.
  • order_data - request order data.
  • change - create a request for currency exchange
  • rate - evaluate the work of the service, whether the order was fulfilled (or not).

I wrote the following code, which completely covered my needs in this typing and works just perfectly.

interface ServerToClientEvents {
  ticker: (message: SocketCurrenciesMessage | SocketExchangeRateMessage) => void;
  order: (res: OrderResponse) => void;

export interface ClientSocket extends Socket<ServerToClientEvents> {
  emit(event: 'order', type: 'currencies'): this;
  emit(event: 'order', type: 'order_data', dto: GetOrderDto): this;
  emit(event: 'order', type: 'change', dto: CreateOrderDto): this;
  emit(event: 'order', type: 'rate', dto: OrderRateDto): this;


exchange widget
payment page
advantages section